Find out if your child is struggling emotionally?

Discover if your child may need additional emotional support with this quick and easy self-check.

Answer Yes or No to the following questions:

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1. Does your child cry, yell, or shut down when things don’t go as planned?
How They Handle Challenges
2. Does your child avoid talking about their feelings or struggle to explain how they feel?
Talking About Emotions
3. Have you noticed recent changes in your child’s appetite, sleep, or energy levels?
Changes in Routine
4. Does your child prefer being alone rather than spending time with friends or family?
Social Interaction
5. Does your child frequently worry or feel anxious about small or everyday situations?
Worry or Anxiety
6. Does your child give up easily or react strongly when they can’t do something perfectly?
Handling Failure
7. Does your child complain of frequent stomach aches, headaches, or tiredness without explanation?
Physical Complaints
8. Does your child avoid new activities or situations because they are afraid or unsure?
Trying New Things
9. Does your child have trouble paying attention or staying engaged in tasks at school or home?
Difficulty Focusing
10. Does your child say negative things about themselves, like “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t do anything right”?
Negative Self-Talk